Zatos Team

Tom Familetti

Partner, Business Development

Zander Hagan

Zander Hagan


Ryan Laughlin

Ryan Laughlin

Partner, Finance

Sean Killeen

Sean Killeen

Partner, Finance

Frank Mazzio


Nick Beninato

Nick Beninato

Project Manager

Vic Gulasarian

Vic Gulasarian

Senior Site Superintendent

Stephen Maffei

Stephen Maffei

Project Manager

Kenneth Lawson

Construction Laborer

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Tom Familetti

Tom is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zatos Investments. Tom oversees all business activities of the company including project acquisition, investor relations, business planning/strategy, legal and accounting.

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Zander Hagan

Zander is the Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer of Zatos Investments. Zander oversees all project operations including contractor relations, project planning and construction activities.

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Ryan Laughlin

Ryan is the Chief Financial Officer of Zatos Investments. Ryan oversees all financial transactions of the
company which includes tracking project cash flow, monitoring financial risks, and recording financial
statements in a timely and accurate manner.

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Sean Killeen

Sean is Chief Investment Officer at Zatos. Sean oversees the firm’s capital allocation on all projects as well as strategic planning for project acquisition, development and execution.


Frank Mazzio

Frank is Chief Construction Officer at Zatos. Frank oversees the construction activities including site logistics and subcontractor/vendor relationships.

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Nick Beninato

Nick works closely with both the development team and the construction team helping get projects off the ground as well as day-to-day activities involving all of our projects.

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Valentina Stabilo

Valentina works alongside our creative team and is responsible for digital marketing and our social media platforms. She assists our team with design selections as well as day-to-day operations.

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Zatos Investments

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